Draftmen’s Tent of Ghosts

  • Draftmen’s Tent of Ghosts

This year’s Kupala Night celebrations (23rd to 24th of June) will host a project of Paweł Althamer and Rafał Żwirek entitled “Draftmen’s Tent of Ghosts", which is a continuation of the so called Draftmen’s Congress, the aim of which was to create temporary spaces for communication using the drawing – the simplest form of artistic communication.

Categories such as authorship, expert knowledge or qualifications are not important in this case. The exhibition is being created as a result of a non-verbal discussion between the participants of different age, different life experiences and different ideological views. 

Until now the Draftmen’s Congress has been held, among other places, in Berlin, Bejing, New York and Istambul.

See also:

Exhibition and other events connected: